The Spirit of Desert Dance- 2017 Champions

Desert Dance is a student led Extra Curricular Activity (ECA). This means that a student organizes, choreographs and selects the music with very little direction from the supervising teacher. Every year the group grows bigger and improves steadily and this year they won! In addition to winning the “Spirit of Desert Dance” award, the troupe’s leader, Ysabelle Lumb won the Leadership Award. GCS’s team was the only team to have student designed choreography! A new member this year, Ulrich Tadeo, won a Dance Scholarship for his promising talent. A special mention goes to, Sereen Eid, a new student at GCS this year and the only Grade 6 student to compete in Desert Dance!
We sat down to discuss Desert Dance with the student leader, Ysabelle Lumb and a new member this year, Ulrich Tadeo.

Watch the award winning performance here:


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